Noah Schwamberg will be called to the Torah on October 26, 2024 at Temple Beth Sholom.

Jacob Ross was called to the Torah on June 8, 2024 at Temple Beth Sholom.
A big part of my growth over the past year came from my Bar-Mitzvah project. I volunteered for an organization called Addicted to Animals which rescues abandoned, abused, and unwanted dogs and cats while saving them from city shelters where most of them would be put to sleep. Its mission is to find every animal their forever home. I worked with the dogs every Saturday cleaning their cages, giving them food and water, and caring for them. So many of them were scared and afraid coming from bad environments and it became so clear to me that they are so innocent and vulnerable. They needed love and compassion, even more than the food and water. There were so many valuable lessons I learned from my project, and one was the importance of taking care of others in need. While my project focused on animals, becoming a Bar mitzvah means I now have a responsibility beyond myself to help people in my community.

Mia Schorr will be called to the Torah on June 1, 2024 at Temple Beth Sholom.
Mia Schorr, who is soon to be a Bat Mitzvah here at Temple Beth Sholom, did her Bat Mitzvah project On Mother’s Day in conjunction with The Friendship Circle and Westcare. Mothers and daughters (along with some sons and dads) who signed up to attend a bracelet-making event at Kendra Scott in Downtown Summerlin were given the opportunity to make bracelets not only for themselves, but for a woman or teen in treatment. Proceeds were donated to The Friendship Circle, which helps children with disabilities make friends and be active members of their community. Bracelets were given to females in treatment at Westcare, along with individual notes of inspiration from the women who made the bracelets.

Ethan Kaplan Gloth was called to the Torah on May 25, 2024 at Temple Beth Sholom.
My name is Ethan Kaplan Gloth and I’m in the 7th grade at Lawrence Jr. High.
I play youth lacrosse with the Saints at Gorman I love animals and video games. My Bar Mitzvah project is through St. Jude. where I will be running a race to cure childhood cancer. My goal is to raise $5000.
To learn more or make a donation please visit:
I’m excited to be a bar mitzvah!

Skyler Malkin was called to the Torah on May 18, 2024 at Temple Beth Sholom.
For my Mitzvah Project I chose to help an organization called Once Upon a Room. Once Upon a Room is committed to making the lives of children struggling with prolonged hospital stays or illness a little less difficult. I have been to Sunrise Hospital many times already. Before we get to the hospital and meet the children, we get an interview card from the nurses which tells us a little bit about what makes the children happy. We then shop for things that fit with the interview card. We coordinate a time to go to the hospital, so the children are taken out of their room. We want our visit to be more than the typical Bikkur Cholim, visiting the sick. We go upstairs and based on the information we received from the nurses we decorate the room. When we are done, the children come back in to see their new room with new sheets, pillows, comforters, decorations, clothing and crafts. A couple of weeks ago I got to decorate the room of a little girl who wanted her room to look like a Disney Princess lives there. This little girl had been in an accident and couldn’t move any part of her body but her mouth, so we got her a paintbrush that she can use with her mouth to paint. We also got her dresses and a bunch of things to try to cheer her up a little. The best part is always meeting and seeing the children once their room is finished and seeing them smile knowing that they have such hard things they are dealing with every day. If you are interested in making sure this wonderful organization continues to do the amazing work it does, please contact me for opportunities to help. You can also find out more about it on their website www.onceuponaroom.org/lvsummerlin

Talia & Aviva Sidranski were called to the Torah on May 11, 2024 at Temple Beth Sholom.
Talia & Aviva Sidranski have the honor of being called to the Torah as a B’not Mitzvah on May 11, 2024. They are the youngest daughters of very proud parents Jody and Ruben Sidranski.
Talia & Aviva moved back to Las Vegas from Charlotte, NC this year, and attend the 7th grade leadership academy at Fertitta Middle School. Summers are spent on Lake of the Ozarks at Camp Sabra. Talia is passionate about all animals and dreams of being a veterinarian. She loves cooking, reading, lyra, “trampoline and tumbling” (T&T), and playing baritone (but can’t wait to learn drums!). Aviva loves spending time with her family, reading, acting, ballet, and playing violin. They both have enjoyed being in theater. Aviva loves making people laugh and Talia loves running the show behind the curtain as stage manager.
Talia & Aviva’s Mitzah Project has been representing Israel Guide Dog Center for the Blind, since last year, to help raise money for the training of Hebrew speaking guide dogs that will be given to visually impaired Israeli soldiers, those soldiers suffering from PTSD, and children affected by autism.
Please click here to make a donation.

Max Cupersmith was called to the Torah on May 4, 2024 at Temple Beth Sholom.
My Mitzvah project is to help raise awareness for the Las Vegas Chapter of After School All Stars. Founded nationally in 1992 by Arnonld Schwarznegger, After-School All-Stars provides free, teacher-led after-school programs that keep children safe during the hours where they might otherwise find trouble, all while teaching them skills to help them succeed in school and life.
Programming runs for 2.5 hours after school, 120 days of the school year in 34 elementary and Middle Schools throughout Las Vegas. Through its efforts over the last 29 years, After-school All-stars has been able to impact more than 150,000 students throughout Las Vegas.
The programming is offered at no charge to students, families or schools. The charity relies entirely on funding from donors, foundations and government grants as well as the support of community partners and volunteers.
Throughout my Bar Mitzvah journey, I have been fortunate to spend time out at the Dr. Owen C Roundy Elementary School in both reading to the 3rd grade class and participating in various extracurricular sporting activities with the students.
This mitzvah project is meaningful to me because After School All Stars provide the highest levels of learning and enrichment for the kids who need it the most, in a place and with the people they’re most familiar with in their school and with their own teachers. I believe every kid has star potential and those stars deserve a time to shine!

Shiloh Markowicz was called to the Torah on April 6, 2024 at Temple Beth Sholom.
Shiloh Markowicz is a 7th grader at Del Webb Middle School. She enjoys baking, playing the cello and spending time with friends and family. Shiloh is a member of the National Charity League, where she enjoys volunteering for various philanthropies with her mother, Robyn, and her sister, Ivy. Shiloh has a one year old puppy named Chewbacca that keeps her busy at home and has inspired her love of animals and her Mitzvah project.
For her Mitzvah project Shiloh is asking people to support the Animal Foundation. You can do so by bringing the following items and place them in the collection box at temple by May 17th.
New and gently used linens (towels, blankets, bath mats, etc.)
Dog treats (Pup-peroni is a shelter dog favorite) and cat treats
Puppy training pads
Unopened jars of peanut butter
Front-clip dog harnesses (especially size medium and large)
Nursing bottles for puppies and kittens
Royal Canin babycat canned food
You can also visit https://animalfoundation.com
for more opportunities to help.

Dylan Tavdi was called to the Torah on March 16, 2024 at Temple Beth Sholom.
Dylan's mitzvah project, inspired by his love for basketball, involves raising funds for Hoops For Kids, an organization in Netanya, Israel, which aims to empower at-risk youth through the sport. The project seeks to provide impoverished children in Israel with free tickets to professional basketball games, allowing them to engage with positive role models and learn essential life skills like communication, teamwork, and goal-setting. Through partnerships with professional basketball players from Barak Netanya and after-school programs, Hoops For Kids facilitates mentorship opportunities and fosters a sense of community among the youth, ultimately striving to expand its impact globally.
Netanya Hoops For Kids has already made significant strides, providing over 3,000 tickets for children to attend Barak Netanya basketball games and launching campaigns to engage both local and global communities in supporting their cause. By emphasizing the importance of education, discipline, and healthy lifestyles alongside basketball, the program aims to equip children with the tools they need to thrive and become positive contributors to their communities. Through Dylan's dedication to this meaningful project, he is not only celebrating his transition into adulthood but also making a tangible difference in the lives of vulnerable youth, both locally and internationally.
Donations are welcomed and appreciated .
Please use this link :

Levi Schaner was called to the Torah on April 13, 2024 at Temple Beth Sholom.
Levi's Mitzvah project is to help raise funds for American Friends of Neve Hanna Children's Home.
Since 1974, Neve Hanna Children’s Home in Kiryat Gat, Israel, has provided a loving home for children from distressed and dysfunctional family circumstances. They are children from Ukraine, Ethiopia, Middle Eastern immigrants, and native-born Israelis. Sadly, these children have been victims of poverty abuse, parental neglect, mental illness, and addiction in the home. These at-risk youth come to Neve Hanna where their physical, emotional, and educational needs are met. Neve Hanna is affiliated with the Masorti Movement as a Kehillah, the only one of its kind in Israel. The children’s home provides individual therapy, remedial instruction, and extensive enrichment leisure time programs to the children to help them thrive. Neve Hanna offers these at-risk youth the chance to grow beyond the circumstances from which they emerged. This loving, nurturing, and therapeutic environment gives the children the opportunity to heal, thrive and become responsible contributing adults of society. Many go on to build successful careers and raise healthy families. Neve Hanna aims to instill in its children, a sense of self-worth and an attachment to Jewish Tradition and values. Donations are greatly appreciated and can be made by clicking on the link. Donate - American Friends of Neve Hanna (charityproud.org)
This mitzvah project is meaningful to me because there are so many children suffering in Israel because of what happened on October 7th, 2023.

Julia Levin was called to the Torah on February 17, 2024 at Temple Beth Sholom.
Julia’s Mitzvah project is to raise money and awareness for the National Gaucher (“go-shay”) Foundation. The National Gaucher Foundation funds research and provides education and networking opportunities for those suffering from Gaucher Disease, a condition which affects Julia. People with Gaucher disease lack an enzyme which breaks down a fatty substance in cells. As a result, a waste product can build up in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow. This causes many different symptoms. Approximately 1 out of 40,000 people in the general population have Gaucher Disease; it affects 1 out of 450 Ashkenazi Jews. GD can be treated with enzyme replacement therapy administered by infusion for children or with a pill newly available for adults. Due to the rareness of the disease in the general population, treatment can be prohibitively expensive. The NGF helps patients who need assistance pay for treatment. Please consider donating!