Team Shabbat Service
Led by Ben Super
This service is for those who are participating in sports and extra-curricular activities who have practice or games during the regular Shabbat service. For ages up to age 17 years. Parents welcome, too!

Shabbat Kattan
Led by Kate St-Pierre for ages infant - 6 years.
Every first and third Shabbat of the month at 10:30 am
Steinberg Chapel or Music Room.
Together, we sing Shabbat songs, say our morning blessings, sing and dance with the Torah. We love to have fun singing and dancing while learning about Shabbat.
Friday Nite Kids ... Shabbat
Led by Rabbi Goodman, Rabbi Benny Katz, D.J. Sinai & Chris West
Family-style Buffet Shabbat Dinner - 5:00 pm
TBS families free; others $5/person
Kids' Services 5:45 pm in the Steinberg Chapel
Ages Infant-6 years
Celebrate Shabbat with Craft 6:15 pm
Dessert, too!
(Siblings Welcome!)