Before joining Temple Beth Sholom in 1998, Rabbi Felipe Goodman served as assistant Rabbi in Comunidad Bet-El de Mexico in Mexico City, one of the largest conservative synagogues in Latin America. Rabbi Felipe Goodman’s charisma has made a profound impact on the Jewish community of Las Vegas. Attendance at Shabbat services has climbed from handfuls to hundreds, with eager, joyful numbers rising by the week; with out of the box programing and by creating a true sense of being a Kehila Kedoshah, vibrant Temple Beth Sholom is anything but a synagogue of once-a-year congregants. In April 2013 Rabbi Goodman was chosen by The Daily Forward as one of America's Most Inspiring Rabbis... "36 Rabbis Shaping The 21st Century!"
Keeping with his tradition of extracurricular leadership, Rabbi Goodman remains active outside the synagogue. He was handpicked to be a member of The Chancellor’s Rabbinic Advisory Committee at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America under Chancellor Arnold Eisen, one of only 13 American Rabbis so honored. When Dr. Ismar Schorsch was Chancellor of The Jewish Theological Seminary, He was also part of The Chancellor's Rabbinic Cabinet. Rabbi Goodman was appointed by the Rabbinical Assembly to serve in the Joint Placement Commission of the Conservative Movement and was also recently appointed by the Jewish Theological Seminary as one of its representatives on The Joint Reitrement Board of the Conservative Movement. He currently serves in The Executive Committee of The Rabbinical Assembly and he also served as President of the Board of Rabbis of Southern Nevada. Rabbi Goodman is also one of a group of 27 Conservative Rabbis in the world, certified by The Joint Beth Din of The Conservative Movements as experts in the laws and writing of "Gittin" (Jewish Writs of Divorce).
In May 2010 Rabbi Goodman was selected along with fourteen other Rabbis from all corners of our country to attend a series of meetings in The White House to discuss the dynamics and relationship between the Obama administration and The Jewish Community. In May 2013, Rabbi Goodman Returned to The White House as part of a delegation of 19 Leaders of The Conservative Movement who met with President Obama to address the issue of Israel's Security. Rabbi Goodman is also part of The AIPAC National Leadership Council. The most widely distributed Pesach Haggadah of the Conservative Movement in Latin America was co-authored by Rabbi Goodman. Rabbi Goodman is currently working on his new book: “Torah from Sin City.”

D.J. Sinai was born in Cleveland, Ohio, and became a member of the Las Vegas Jewish Community in 1992. When Rabbi Felipe Goodman began at Temple Beth Sholom in 1998, he found a teenage musician who had a love of Jewish music and was eagerly ready to participate in Kabbalat Shabbat services. At just 16 years old, D.J. began accompanying the cantor and such began his musical journey at Temple Beth Sholom.
For nearly 25 years, D.J. has been an intricate part of the music leadership at Temple Beth Sholom, from being the accompanist and harmony voice for past cantors to filling in at Shabbat and holiday services. In 2015, D.J. took on the role of Musical Director and is now the musical leader for all religious services including Shabbat, holidays, life cycle events, and High Holy Day services. He also is working with the b'nei mitzvah students and teaching them how to lead a Saturday morning service for their big simcha, as well as teaching 7th grade and tefillah with the Judy and Ronald Mack School of Religious Studies at Temple Beth Sholom. Further, D.J.’s passion for Judaism rolls over as the Youth Director for our thriving Kadima/USY Youth Department.
D.J. has had many influences in his Jewish studies, including past cantors at Temple Beth Sholom, numerous musical and leadership programs, as well as studying at The Conservative Yeshiva at the Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center in Israel. He has studied piano since the age of 4 and began singing in grade school. D.J. has studied with instructors from The Cleveland Institute of Music, Nevada School of the Arts, Interlochen Arts Academy, and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. At the age of just 17, D.J. played piano and sang solo in the prestigious Carnegie Hall in New York City. Through his work as the Musical Director at Temple Beth Sholom and through his professional and volunteer musical performances, D.J. has entertained and inspired thousands of people in our community.
Growing up in the Jewish community in Las Vegas has been a wonderful experience for D.J. as this is where he met his wonderful wife, Alyson, and was able to raise their son, Jacob. D.J. loves his family and roles at Temple Beth Sholom and is looking forward to celebrating many life moments with the Las Vegas Jewish Community.