A number of opportunities are available for individuals, families and corporations who would like to dedicate an area within the synagogue. Seat dedications for the High Holy Days are available in both The Sharon E. Sigesmund Sanctuary, The Faye & Dr. Leon Steinberg Social Hall and The Raymond H. Sigesmund-Sara & Joseph Schwartz Social Hall.
There are opportunities to dedicate classrooms, offices and furnishing throughout our original building and in the new David Friedman & Abbie Friedman Family Pavilion.
There are also opportunities to dedicate one of our many outdoor palm trees in honor of simchas or in memory of family members. Please contact TBS President Eliot Blut for further information at 702. 804.1333 or

Remember a special loved one with a memorial plaque in the Temple Beth Sholom Kronberg Memorial Hall. The yahrzeit plaques are located amongst a winding area of marble walls containing benches for congregants and families to sit and reflect within a framework of privacy.
Plaques are available for members and non-members and can be ordered through the Rabbi’s office. The cost for a plaque is $600 for members ($1,000 for two plaques) and $800 for non-members ($1,500 for two plaques for non-members). Individuals remembered with a memorial plaque will be automatically listed in the Book of Memory each year.
To order memorial plaques, please contact Executive Director, Clayton Steinberg, in the Temple office, (702) 804-1333, ext. 133 or by email:

Creating a will or trust is one of the most important steps in planning for your future, and we encourage you to consider including Temple Beth Sholom in your estate plan at a level that is appropriate for you and your family. Your estate plan can provide a tax benefit to you and to your heirs – and will provide a meaningful benefit to our community.
Please contact Temple President, Eliot Blut, at the Temple office (702) 804-1333, or email: