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The Sandra & Stanley Mallin Early Childhood Center and The Lovee & Bob Arum Kindergarten at Temple Beth Sholom (TBSECC) has been awarded a 5-Star Rating by the Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) established by the Office of Early Learning and Development Nevada Department of Education. The 5-Star Rating is the highest rating that can be awarded by the Department of Education, and the Early Childhood Center at Temple Beth Sholom is one of only two schools in all of Nevada to earn this distinction and the only school in the Las Vegas area to achieve this top rating.
Our staff of well-trained, experienced professionals is augmented by a Curriculum Specialist, Hebrew Specialist, Spanish Specialist, Creative Movement Specialist, and P.E. Instructor. We feel confident that your child will quickly adapt to our school and feel comfortable with his/her teacher. Our theme based curriculum is taught within a center based philosophy where your child has the unique benefit of individualized attention.
Our Preschool is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 am – 3:00 pm. We offer an extended program which includes “Breakfast Club” beginning at 7:30 am, and “Playhouse” which runs until 6:00 pm. Drop-in care is available with 24 hour advance notice. Please register your child into these programs if you need extended care on a regular basis. We will be closed on specific Jewish and secular holidays – please see the school calendar for further details.
Our curriculum is a successful blend of several excellent programs including, “Jewish Everyday”, “Creative Curriculum”, “More Than Letters”, “Everyday Counts”, and a Creative Arts Program, which focuses on “Meeting the Masters” and exploring a variety of art media. Each program has been selected for its strengths and is used in conjunction with the others to create a well-rounded academic and Judaic program.
We understand the importance of a quality education to the development of young children’s minds as well as their self-image. We are committed to offering children opportunities to question, observe, engage, experiment, create, and “show-off” their new found knowledge. With these goals in mind, our classrooms are designed to allow the children to move into at least 8 different learning centers, and spend ample time becoming engaged in the learning process.
The children predominantly move in a child-directed environment by choosing what areas they want to work in. In addition to our learning centers, our teachers run academic circles, to teach the curriculum as well as work one-on-one and in small groups to provide your child the attention he/she needs.
Your child will have the benefit of a fully equipped classroom that may include areas such as dramatic play lofts, math and science “labs”, music nooks, comprehensive libraries, user-friendly computer centers, fully stocked art areas, and lots of manipulatives and puzzles, and a reading and writing center.
EC kids are the envy of "Blue Man Group." In addition to our comprehensive curriculum, your child may have Hebrew, Spanish, Science, Cooking, Creative Dance, and Music classes. We meet as a whole school every Friday for a child-friendly, interactive Shabbat lunch. All family and friends are always welcome. Of course, our program encompasses the true essence of Jewish education, traditions, values and experiences. Our affiliation with the Synagogue gives us a unique connection to the Jewish community and its programs, including the fabulous L’dor V’dor Senior luncheons.
Our facility also enables us to meet with our Rabbi and engage in weekly mini-minyans with our Cantor, read in our Children’s Library, and dance in our Social Halls.
The standards listed below provide a quick glance into our curricular and developmental guidelines by which we measure each child’s growth. For a more detailed look, please refer to our age-specific Standards handout. Inherent in each child is a unique set of qualities, learning styles, and personality traits that helps him or her to achieve.
To ensure that we foster these individual characteristics within our program, we help each child to succeed in the ways that are best suited for him or her. For literacy and language we use Creative Curriculum, More Than Letters, and Rigby to include both phonics and whole-language.
For writing we use D’Nealian font.
For math we use Everyday Counts, which provides a complete spectrum of skills beginning with basic number sense and progressing through talgebraic and geometric principles.
For science we use Rigby Science and Simple Science for in-depth investigations and explorations within each science unit.
In addition to the wonderful activities incorporated daily into your child’s program, we also offer after-school activities such as: Karate, Computers, Ballet, and Mad Science. Our daily schedule allows for large and small group time, one-on-one learning, center time and scheduled specialties. Specific reading, writing, math, social studies, art and science skills are integrated into the curriculum along with Hebrew, Spanish and Creative Music and Movement.